Casey Ryan is the personality that will draw you into LWC Painting. He is the go-to guy for ideas, creations, and individualization that make any project distinctly yours. He has over 15 years of experience, knows the best products and how to seamlessly incorporate them into your home or business.


Brad Rodenschmit is second-to-none in the mechanics of painting and solution to any kind of problem. With 20 years of inventive experience in his pocket, Brad is the artist in each production. He is sure to exceed your expectations with cunning applications and ability to carry out unique designs.


Derrick Poling is the Ace-up-the-sleeve when it comes to commercial services. His 30+ years of experience started on weekends working as a kid, to owning his own company by age 21. Now, he is an expert in sales and service. Whether it’s a new build or restoration, Derrick is comfortable with projects the size of a small garage to beyond a 25,000 sq. ft. commercial building.


Casey, Brad and Derrick are the primers to LWC Painting. Their creative visions, inventive execution and commercial experience will give any home or business the look you need.